
Showing posts from August, 2017

Millennials Hate your Marketing -- Here's Why (and what you can do about it)

You've done it! You researched the young adult market, identified their buying power, and now that "just for millennials" campaign has launched and you're waiting for the leads to roll in. But instead, nothing happens. What's behind the lack of attention and response from this coveted age group? Adults under the age of 30 make up about 1.4% of the U.S. population and pack about 1.3 trillion in buying power domestically. This massive market is made up of savvy consumers who are digital natives and who are very aware of marketing and advertising. So, why aren't they paying attention to your marketing? It could be one of these three reasons. You Treat Them as an Afterthought It's a common misconception that millennials, particularly young ones, don't have the money to buy things or that they waste their money on the wrong things, like avocado toast and pumpkin spice lattes. The problem with this approach is that brands who see these young

How to Inspire Those Around You Like the True Leader You Were Meant to Be

Even business professionals with the best of intentions often make the mistake of assuming that solid leadership is about one thing and one thing only: delegating responsibility. You've worked hard your whole life and you've ascended through the ranks - now is the time when people should start listening to what you have to say, right? Yes, but not in the way you think. You're the Inspiration In truth, employees shouldn't be doing what you say just because you're the one saying it. They should be following your guidance because they want to, they're inspired to, and if given the opportunity, they'd be steering that proverbial ship in the same direction that you've chosen. To get there, though, you're going to have to do more than just bark orders. You're going to have to inspire. Here are a few key things to keep in mind when trying to inspire others. Leaders Who Inspire Support Their Employees in More Ways Than One One of the

Why Patience is One of the Most Important Qualities a Leader Can Have

The chasm between a leader and a great leader is a deep one. It is one that is often filled with qualities like clarity, decisiveness, courage, passion, and a healthy amount of humility given the circumstances. But one of the major qualities that is essential to leadership that people don't talk about nearly enough is patience. When patience is practiced wisely, it can have a dramatic effect on your entire organization from the top down. The Ripple Effect of Patience In general, patience is more important than just being willing to wait for results. Yes, all people are different and employees need to be given room to move at their own pace for the sake of quality. But, the true benefit of patience runs much deeper. First and foremost, patience shows respect in a way that also encourages productivity at the same time. If you're the type of leader who delegates responsibility but then spends hours each day telling people to "hurry up" or to "get th

Wish You Were More Productive? Try These 3 Tips!

Being productive means making room for the things you really want and uncovering new and innovative ways to work smarter, not harder. Thankfully, it's a lot easier than you probably think it is. If you want to become more productive, here are a few key traits you should focus on. Take Frequent Breaks to Recharge Yourself Although this may seem a bit on the counterintuitive side, studies have shown that taking frequent breaks throughout the day help to recharge yourself. Our "biological clock" has two basic forms that are dictated by our natural twenty-four (circadian) rhythms and our shorter than a day, but longer than an hour (ultradian) rhythms. Our ultradian rhythms essentially function in 90-minute intervals. This is why it's so easy to go from "firing all cylinders" to "boy I need a nap" and back again throughout the course of your work day. Remember that managing your time and managing your energy are not mutually exclusive. Tak

The Art of Time-Blocking: A Simple Tip to Revolutionize Your Productivity

Most people just aren't that good at multitasking. Trying to remain focused (and organized) is one of the most significant time wasters, especially in the life of a business professional. When you try to do too many things at the same time, you become a "Jack of all Trades, Master of None." Just when you're trying to get work done on that big project, another email comes in that you have to respond to. You hop over to your email client and suddenly the phone is ringing, or you realize that you have to proof a new design before it heads out the door. It's maddening. Thankfully, there is a better way. By adopting the fine art of time-blocking , you may have just found the simple, yet effective technique you've been looking for to unlock a bold new era of productivity in both your personal and professional life. What is Time-Blocking? At its core, time-blocking is the idea that you should segment your day into clearly defined (and strictly adhered to)